How The Method Works

  • Arc 1


    Learning where your beliefs stem from. We all have a mindset about heath and beauty on loop in our subconscious created during childhood. Often these ideas lead to self-sabatoging, all or nothing mindsets, or negative self talk. If we want to change our health habits for good, we must first create a new subconscious belief system.

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    Make small changes, one week at a time. Our bodies are always giving us signs. In the Verdura Method’s 12-week course, you have access to our Symptom Catalogue™. When you learn to read your body, learn the causes, and the small, daily action steps that are in your control to feel better, you take the power back to make lasting change.

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    The last step generates your blueprint for a sustainable, realistic lifestyle. Gathering together the weekly nutrition lessons with recipes, journal prompts and a new personal narrative, you are now designing your own personalized wellness plan to help you S.H.I.N.E: Sleep, Hydration, Investing in Rest, Nourishment and Exercise.

4 Skills Of Language Learning

  • Reading

    Each week you’re given small quick text pertaining to nutrition lessons to read for homework. Reading is the first step to rewire how your brain works in general. It strengthens your ability to imagine alternative paths, remember details, picture detailed scenes, and think through complex problems. In short, reading makes you not just more knowledgeable, but also functionally smarter.

  • Writing

    Weekly journal prompts help you reflect on your week. What is working, what is not. What foods, meal timelines and methods work best for you? When you pen words on paper, the neurons in your brain fire signals at rapid speed, thus enabling you to make more connections. The more you write, the more a brain responds by establishing new neural connections within these regions. It will grow like a muscle.

  • Listening

    A video lesson on different wellness topics are sent weekly. Hearing the founder explain nutrition concepts helps reach different pathways in your brain. Clients often will say “I heard your voice in my head the other day.” This is because listening is not just a way of sharing information; it actually triggers physical and emotional changes in the brain. Listening helps our brains trigger a neurochemical cocktail with higher levels of dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, and other biochemicals that give us a sense of well-being.

  • Speaking

    Speaking out loud your personalized affirmations and goals will complete your transformation. Learning anything changes your brain. But learning a language does it in high gear. Speaking aloud new ideas causes extensive neuroplasticity in the brain. In other words, when you speak out loud your goals and affirmations, your brain gets rearranged, new connections are made and new pathways are formed. This is when words become engrained beliefs.

A year later I have not only kept off the weight but also know how to easily come back to this way of living after vacations, events and weekends. I have tried every fad diet and every program out there, this is the only one that has stuck.”

—Tink B.